Whether money should be given on Wednesday or not, complete information

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Money is the truth related to every person’s life, imagining life without it is dishonest. In today’s time, everyone deals in money. Some people lend money and recover it. The money lent by some people gets stuck. Some people feel shy in asking for money back and in such a situation, they do not get their money back.

Don’t lend money on Wednesday

Avoid lending money on Wednesday under any circumstances. It is believed that the money lent on this day does not come back. Wednesday is the day of worship of Lord Ganesha and he is the god of auspicious benefits. This is the reason why one should not lend money to anyone on Wednesday, this makes Lord Ganesha angry.

Money loss occurs on Tuesday

Money transactions should not be done on Tuesday. Taking loan on this day leads to loss of money and worsens the financial condition. The loan taken on this day keeps increasing day by day but the loan repaid brings good luck. Old loan can be repaid on this day.

One should not lend money on Amavasya day

Whatever the situation or how close someone is to you, you should not lend money on Amavasya day. It is believed that negative forces become active on Amavasya day. They can cast an evil eye on your wealth. You may have to face financial crisis in life.

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Do not lend money during Bhadra

No auspicious work is done during the time of Bhadra. Bhadra is considered an inauspicious time. It creates disputes and differences. Transacting money during this time creates problems in getting money and spoils relationships.

What should not be done on Wednesday

Wednesday is celebrated as the day of Lord Ganesha. Mercury is considered to be the factor of intelligence and speech, that is why a person should control his speech on Wednesday. There are some things about this, which should be understood.

Money transaction

One should not transact money on Wednesday. It is believed that lending or borrowing money on Wednesday can harm a person.

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You may face financial difficulties. Avoid transacting money on Wednesday.

Do not wear black clothes

Black clothes should not be worn on Wednesday. Wearing black clothes on Wednesday affects the married life. Due to this, there can be tension in the relationship between husband and wife.

Avoid travelling in the west direction

One should avoid travelling in the west direction on Wednesday. On Wednesday, there is a dishashool in this direction. Due to this, a person may suffer from Ahir.

Don’t speak bitterly

Mercury is considered to be the factor of intelligence, wisdom as well as speech and communication. In such a situation, a person should not speak bitter words on Wednesday. Happiness and prosperity does not reside in the house of a person who speaks bitter words.

Don’t insult any girl

One should never insult a girl, but on Wednesdays, take special care not to insult a girl even by mistake. If a person insults a girl, there is never any prosperity in that person’s house. Also, Goddess Lakshmi gets angry and leaves.  

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FAQs on Wednesday

What to do and what not to do on Wednesday?

One should not run away from a poor person or cow that comes on Wednesday. This has an adverse effect on the planet Mercury. One should feed roti or green fodder to the cow. This brings auspicious results. One should avoid travelling in the west direction on Wednesday.

Why is Wednesday considered auspicious?

Wednesday is considered to be the best day to attain Ganesha and Mercury. In Hinduism, Ganesha is considered to be the first worshipped deity. Because Ganesha is definitely remembered for any auspicious work.

What should be done to please Mercury?

It is recommended to chant mantras dedicated to Buddha, wear green clothes, fast on Wednesdays, wear emerald gemstone, worship Lord Vishnu and give donations to the needy.

Can we give someone money on Wednesday?

No, one should avoid giving money to someone on Wednesday, as it can lead to loss of money. Wednesday is ruled by planet Mercury which is considered to be the planet of instability of decisions. It affects the decision making power of a person.

Which mantra should be chanted on Wednesday?

This mantra is one of the simplest and most effective mantras. Chanting this mantra fulfills all wishes. This mantra should be chanted 108 times on Wednesday.

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