Sneezing while praying, its home remedies, complete information

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Sneezing is natural, but the time of sneezing has different meanings. Sneezing is auspicious as well as inauspicious. Auspicious work is stopped when someone sneezes. In Hinduism, sneezing while worshiping is considered inauspicious. One sneeze is auspicious or inauspicious, two sneezes are auspicious or inauspicious, three sneezes are auspicious or inauspicious, sneezing is auspicious or inauspicious, these are the questions that people search the most on the internet. In this article, we will tell you about the good and bad omens of sneezing.

Sneezing while going to an auspicious task

When you are going somewhere for some auspicious work, if you sneeze before leaving the house, it is considered a bad omen. But if you get another sneeze along with the first sneeze, it is believed that your work will be done easily. This sneeze is seen as an auspicious sign.

Sneezing at a cremation ground or accident site 

If you are standing at the site of an accident or have gone to a cremation ground and you sneeze there, then it is believed to be auspicious and the danger coming upon your life is averted.

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Cow sneezing

If you are going out of the house for some important work and you see a cow on the way and it sneezes, then understand that all your work will be successful. This is considered an auspicious sign.

Sneezing while bathing

Sometimes you sneeze while taking a bath, this is not a sign of any disease but a sign that your day will be good today. This is considered an omen.

Sneezing while counting money

According to Shakun Shastra, if you sneeze more than once while counting money, then understand that you are going to get monetary benefit from this. If you invest that money instead of keeping it, you will get profit.

Sneezing while eating

If you sneeze while eating food, it is considered inauspicious. If this happens, eat food after some time. On the other hand, if a patient is taking medicine and he sneezes at that time, it is considered an auspicious sign. It means that the patient is going to get well soon.

Home remedies to stop sneezing


Take one teaspoon ginger juice. Mix half teaspoon jaggery in it and eat it twice a day. It gives relief from sneezing problem.


Mix one teaspoon of honey and half a teaspoon of cinnamon powder in a glass of warm water and drink it. This provides relief from sneezing.


If you are sneezing continuously, take a little asafoetida. Smell its smell. This remedy gives you relief from the problem of frequent sneezing.

Hot water steam

If you have a cold due to weather changes, then this can also cause you to sneeze repeatedly. For this, you can take steam from hot water. This is considered to be the oldest and most effective method, which helps in stopping sneezing. If you have this problem due to dust, then this can also help in clearing the respiratory tract.

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Tulsi decoction

Antiseptic and antibacterial properties are found in basil. Which protects the body from many types of infections. For this, boil basil leaves in water, when it becomes lukewarm, you can consume it. This can prove effective in removing the problem of sneezing.

Drink fennel tea

Antiseptic and antibiotic properties are found in fennel, which are beneficial for sneezing problem. For this, you can drink fennel tea. To make it, boil one or two spoons of fennel in water. When it becomes lukewarm, you can consume it.

Take Steam

The problem of sneezing can be controlled by taking steam. For this, heat water in a bowl. Keep this water on the table. Now keep a thick towel over the head, then you can take steam. This can prove to be effective in stopping the problem of sneezing.

Use of oranges

Drink a glass of orange juice every day after lunch. This gives relief from sneezing and cold. Oranges contain vitamin C, which helps in fighting diseases.

Mustard oil

Put 2-3 drops of mustard oil in the nose. Inhale the oil upwards. This stops sneezing. This is a very effective remedy.

Vitamin-C rich foods

If you have the problem of sneezing frequently, then the reason for this can also be your weak immunity. Therefore, increase the amount of vitamin-C rich foods in your diet.

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This can also provide quick relief from cold, sneezing and allergies. For this, you can start consuming citrus fruits such as lemon, orange, and amla. 

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Use of Fenugreek

Grind two spoons of fenugreek seeds and boil them in water. Drink it when it becomes lukewarm. Consuming it twice a day provides relief.

Turmeric Milk

Turmeric has anti-bacterial and anti-inflammatory properties, which can help reduce infection. Antioxidants are found in it, which can prevent the problem of frequent sneezing. Turmeric milk can help you get quick relief from infection. Apart from this, you can also consume turmeric tea. 

Question related to sneezing while praying

What happens if you sneeze while praying?

In Hinduism, a sneeze while performing a puja is considered inauspicious. This is because sneezing is considered a type of deformity, which signifies impurity in the presence of God during puja. 

What is the benefit of sneezing?

Sneezing is a process your body uses to clear your nose. When foreign substances such as dirt, pollen, smoke or dust enter your nose, your nose may feel irritated or itchy.

When is sneezing auspicious or inauspicious?

Sneezing is considered a bad omen. It is believed that if someone is going out for some important work and then sneezes then it is inauspicious. Apart from this, sneezing before any auspicious work is also considered inauspicious.

What happens if you sneeze twice?

Sometimes this sneeze is a good sign and sometimes it is bad. On the other hand, if someone sneezes twice, then it is considered a good sign.

What is the best medicine for sneezing?

The best medicine for sneezing is Moncitra tablet.

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