Harms and benefits of Pee pal leaf, its home remedies, complete information

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The characteristics of Peepal tree have been described in religious texts. Can the use or consumption of Peepal leaves relieve many health problems? It contains calcium, iron, fiber, magnesium, protein etc. in abundance. Which benefits health in many ways. Be it skin problem or teeth problem, all problems can be solved by its use. Our article today is on this topic. Peepal absorbs toxic carbon dioxide and releases oxygen. The shade of Peepal tree is very cool. Peepal tree is about 10-20 meters high. It is huge, with many branches and lives for many years. The bark of the old tree is cracked and white-brown in color. Its new leaves are soft, smooth and light in color. Its fruits are smooth, round, small. They are green in raw state and purple in ripe state.

  • If Peepal leaves are consumed in large quantity, then it can cause nausea. Because its taste is very bitter.
  • There is fiber present in it. In such a situation, its excessive consumption can cause problems like stomach pain, cramps etc.
  • Peepal leaves contain a lot of calcium. Therefore, it should be consumed in limited quantity, otherwise there can be excess calcium in the body.

Benefits of drinking boiled Peepal leaves

  • Helps in controlling blood sugar level in diabetic patients.
  • Helps in reducing the risk of heart diseases and keeping the heart healthy.
  • Helps to lower bad cholesterol and reduce high BP.
  • It helps in keeping the lungs healthy and preventing respiratory problems.
  • It helps in maintaining proper and healthy kidney function.
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How to make water by boiling Peepal leaves

Take 250ml water in a vessel and add 2-3 peepal leaves in it and boil it till the water reduces to half. Filter it in a vessel and let it cool down a little. Mix honey in it and consume it. Consuming it on an empty stomach in the morning gives the most benefits.

Home remedies of Peepal leaves

Peepal leaves for jaundice

When the white layer in the eyes or the face turns yellow, then the symptoms of jaundice are formed. In such a situation, Peepal leaves are very useful in removing this problem. Bioactive compounds are present inside Peepal leaves, which are very helpful in fighting the problem of jaundice.

Peepal leaves for teeth

If you are suffering from gum allergy or want to get rid of bad breath, then Peepal leaves can be useful for you. Flavonoids are present inside Peepal leaves, which not only remove the yellowness of teeth but the paste made from Peepal leaves is very useful in removing many gum problems.

For cracked areas

Often heels crack due to walking without slippers or due to some medical problem, which causes pain or swelling. Sometimes the problem becomes so serious that the person starts bleeding or has difficulty in walking.

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Peepal leaves are very useful in removing this problem. Peepal leaves contain antimicrobial properties, which can help you in getting rid of cracked heels.

Peepal leaves heal wounds

There are medicinal properties present in Peepal leaves, which increase the amount of collagen and speed up the healing of wounds.

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Purify the blood

The extract of Peepal leaves is very useful in purifying blood. Because it contains antibacterial and antiviral properties which purify the blood and get rid of skin diseases, although more research is still going on on this.

In eye disease

Eye diseases can be cured with Peepal leaves. Peepal leaves give out milk, applying it to the eyes cures eye pain.

To increase appetite

If you feel less hungry. Consuming ripe Peepal fruit cures problems like cough, bile, blood disorders, poison disorders, burning sensation, vomiting and lack of appetite.

For stomach pain

Peepal leaves cure stomach pain. Grind two and a half Peepal leaves and mix them with 50 grams of jaggery to make a tablet. This should be eaten 3-4 times a day.

To remove physical weakness

Consuming half a teaspoon of peepal fruit powder with milk three times a day removes physical weakness.

Questions related to Peepal leaf

What happens if you eat Peepal leaf on an empty stomach in the morning?

If you drink Peepal leaf juice in the morning when you have diarrhea, it helps in relieving the symptoms of diarrhea such as vomiting, nausea, loose stools or watery stools during bowel movement. It is also beneficial in problems like gas, bloating, indigestion, constipation and improves digestion.

In which disease are Peepal leaves useful?

Peepal leaves are useful in relieving constipation, curing boils, preventing skin infections, boosting immunity, etc.

For how many days should Peepal leaves be eaten?

Peepal leaves can be eaten by chewing them for 5 to 6 days.

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What happens by drinking decoction of Peepal leaves?

Drinking boiled Peepal leaves keeps the sugar level under control. Along with this, the heart condition also remains better. At the same time, drinking boiled Peepal leaves is also very beneficial in controlling high blood pressure and bad cholesterol.

When should a Peepal leaf not be plucked?

In Hinduism, plucking leaves and flowers of trees and plants after sunset or at night is prohibited. According to Hindu scriptures, trees and plants have life and they rest after sunset. Therefore, no part of the tree or plant should be touched at this time.

Which vitamin is present in Peepal?

Peepal leaves contain minerals like calcium, manganese, copper, iron and nutrients like protein and fiber. Peepal leaves are rich in antioxidants, anti-inflammatory, antibacterial and antidiabetic properties, which help in keeping away many health related diseases.

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